Tags: public awareness + drr education (137 bookmarks)

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  1. Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP or DASK) is a non-profit public entity affiliated with the Ministry of State, to whom the Under-secretariat of Treasury reports. It was formed to provide household earthquake insurance at affordable premiums when earthquake insurance was made mandatory for all registered residential buildings within the municipality boundaries.
  2. The Turkish Red Crescent Society trains volunteers in first aid and disaster response. They have also partnered with other civic sector organizations and the Ministry of Education to develop and disseminate natural hazard risk awareness and household risk reduction education for the general public and school children.
  3. Ak Sigorta insurance operates an educational fire and earthquake simulation center, Investing in the Future for school groups ages 7-14 in Istanbul, which teaches disaster risk reduction and creates insurance awareness.
  4. The Benfield Hazard Research Centre, affiliated with University College, London transfers natural hazard and risk research, practice, and innovation from the academic environment to business, government and international agencies. They also have an education program for insurers regarding natural hazards.
  5. The British Red Cross teaches first aid courses and sells first aid kits on their website.
  6. This interactive website was created by Justin Sharpe, a secondary school teacher in the United Kingdom. It teaches about different hazards that students may encounter when leaving the United Kingdom to go on vacation and what to do before, during and after a disaster occurs.
  7. The Know Before You Go campaign encourages British nationals to be better prepared for their overseas trips by learning about the hazards in their destination country. The website and toll-free phone number have travel advice for over 200 countries, including information about natural disasters.
  8. The London Climate Change Partnership (Greater London Authority) has created leaflet to raise public awareness and change policy in the London regarding climate change.
  9. The Met Office has a range of activities and material based around the requirements of the national curriculum to help teachers and students understand weather and climate. The website is updated regularly for severe weather forecasts and gives up to date information about weather in all areas of the globe. It has information for the general public about what to do when severe weather is forecast, before, during and after the storm.
  10. The Preparing for Emergencies website is run by the Civil Contingencies Secretariat. It is based on the pamphlet that was created in 2004 by the same name. The pamphlet and website advise citizens on what they can do to reduce the risk of emergencies and how to cope with emergencies when they do occur. The pamphlet is available on the website and is produced in 18 languages, English large print, audio tape, and Braille.

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